Taylor Consulting Psychological & Investigative Services

Sexual Harassment & Hostile Work Environment

Dr. Michelle Taylor has conducted numerous investigations in response to complaints of sexual harassment and hostile work environment. Dr. Taylor is uniquely qualified to conduct sexual harassment and hostile workplace investigations. She has years of experience conducting workplace investigations, interviewing thousands of employees, working with victims, interviewing and evaluating criminals, and expertise in human behavior.

Organizations typically retain Dr. Taylor to investigate in response to employee complaints of sexual harassment, hostile work environment and retaliation. Complaints may come in the following ways: Direct communication from an employee; Employee report of inappropriate behavior witnessed or discussed among employees; notice from the office of equal employment; or being served legal documents.

Sexual harassment and hostile work environment investigations typically include the following: In-person interviews of employees and/or other persons who may have relevant information; Review and assessment of the complaint, written documents, emails, personnel files, etc.; Evaluation regarding the possible benefit of obtaining additional information through investigation; Review of the organizations policy/employee manual; and meetings with executives involved in managing the situation. Dr. Taylor provides a written report of her findings.

Some of the benefits of a professional, prompt, and thorough investigation include the following: The situation is resolved quickly; The organization has the opportunity to remedy the situation; Litigation may be prevented; Employees can get back to the business of the organization; Information and facts are determined early and placed on record; The organization can provide an affirmative defense under Title VII; Unlikely affirmative defense under FEHA; The organization can provide defense to alleged wrongdoer’s claims; The organization can act to minimize punitive damages; The organization can act to minimize emotional distress claims in California.

Dr. Taylor specializes in investigating and managing individual complaints of sexual harassment, however she also receives requests to conduct sexual harassment trainings. Specifically, she provides a two hour interactive anti-sexual harassment training program designed to meet the requirements of California Government Code §12950.1 and customized for specific organizations. The training program includes information and practical guidance regarding the federal and state statutory provisions concerning the prohibition against and the prevention and correction of sexual harassment and the remedies available to victims of sexual harassment in employment; including practical examples. Specific topics include the history of sexual harassment, definitions and examples, legal cases, lessons learned, hostile work environment and related types of harassment, recent developments, best practices, remedies to victims, and a review of the organization’s policy. Interactive games and activities are designed to increase learning, participation, and enjoyment. The training program includes the following: A certificate of attendance for each participant who completes the training; A copy of the list of attendees; An anti-discrimination poster (as required by 12950(a) of the Fair Employment Housing Act (FEHA)); and An information sheet (as required by 12950(b) of the FEHA).

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Psychologist License #PSY21358       Private Investigator License #PI24631
© Copyright 2007 Taylor Consulting Psychological & Investigative Services Inc